Black People Meet Domande frequenti sui clienti

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Come posso contattare il servizio clienti di Black People Meet?

La domanda che ci viene posta più spesso riguarda come parlare con il servizio clienti di Black People Meet. Fai clic qui per informazioni di contatto, opzioni di posta elettronica e chat, come trovare una persona dal vivo, tempi di attesa e altro ancora.

È disponibile un'app mobile per Black People Meet?

Sì, è disponibile un'app mobile per Black People Meet. La nostra app può essere scaricata gratuitamente sia su dispositivi iOS che Android. Con...
Fai qualsiasi domanda sul servizio clienti di Black People Meet e ricevi subito una risposta.

Black People Meet domande recenti dei clienti

I want to cancel my subscription

To cancel your subscription on Black People Meet, log in to your account and go to the settings menu. From there, navigate to "My Account" where you'll find the option to manage your subscription. You can then follow the instructions to cancel your subscription. Please remember that cancelation will stop future billing, but you won't be refunded for any time left on your current billing cycle. It's also important to note that you may still receive access to your account until your current subscription period ends.
chiesto a Apr 8, 2024 4:22 PM

I was calling because there is an unauthorized payment made to my credit card for black people and would like my money back

We're sorry to hear about this issue. We recommend contacting your bank ASAP if you suspect unauthorized charges on your card. Black People Meet also has measures in place for refund requests. Please log into your Black People Meet account, navigate to settings, then to My Account. From there, you can dispute the charges. Please note, refund requests are handled on a case-by-case basis. If the charge is found to be unauthorized or made in error, your money will be refunded.
chiesto a Apr 1, 2024 3:34 PM

I paid for three months of service and can’t access my account

We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble accessing your account after purchasing a three-month subscription. It's important to ensure you're using the correct login credentials for your account. If you have forgotten your password, there should be a 'Forgot Password' option on the login page that you can use to reset it. If you're still unable to access your account, it could be temporarily suspended due to a violation of the site's rules or there may be a technical issue. Please directly contact the Black People Meet customer service team to help resolve this as we are not equipped to handle account-specific issues. They will be able to assist you further.
chiesto a Mar 29, 2024 5:21 PM

It is not letting me cancel my prescription

We're sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing. To cancel your subscription, first log in to your Black People Meet account. Then visit your 'Account Settings' located in the drop-down menu at the top right corner. Click on 'My Account' from the dropdown menu, then click on 'Account Status'. On the subsequent screen, follow the instructions to remove your profile. Please note that cancelling your subscription prevents future charges but does not refund any previous charges. Make sure to cancel at least 24 hours before your renewal date to avoid being charged for the next cycle.
chiesto a Mar 29, 2024 12:08 PM

I'm attempting to cancel my membership and get my account credited for the fee that was just charged to my c.c. on 3/25/2024, please?

We're sorry to hear that you want to cancel your Black People Meet membership. To do so, go to your 'account settings', then select 'My Account' from the drop-down menu. On the next page, you'll see the 'Account Status' section. Click the 'View Account Status' link, then on the following page, click 'More Account Status Changes'. From there, you'll be able to choose the option to 'Remove Automatic Renewal'. This will stop any future charges. However, please note that already completed transactions, like the one incurred on 3/25/2024, typically cannot be refunded as per most subscription-based services. We recommend you to check the terms of the service for more details regarding refunds.
chiesto a Mar 27, 2024 10:57 PM

Aiutami con il mio problema con il servizio clienti Black People Meet

Subscription Options

Quali sono le opzioni di abbonamento disponibili su Black People Meet?

Black People Meet offre due opzioni di abbonamento per i suoi utenti. La prima opzione è l'abbonamento base, gratuito...

Search Criteria

Posso cercare altri membri in base a criteri specifici?

Sì, puoi cercare altri membri su Black People Meet in base a criteri specifici. La nostra piattaforma offre una solida funzionalità di ricerca...

Safety Tips

Ci sono consigli di sicurezza per l'utilizzo della piattaforma?

Sì, Black People Meet dà priorità alla sicurezza degli utenti e fornisce suggerimenti utili per utilizzare la piattaforma in modo sicuro. Innanzitutto ti consigliamo di essere...

Premium Features

Quali funzionalità sono incluse in un abbonamento premium?

Un abbonamento premium a Black People Meet offre una gamma di interessanti funzionalità per migliorare la tua esperienza di appuntamenti online. Con un premio...

Blocking Members

Posso bloccare o segnalare un membro se lo trovo sospetto?

Sì, hai la possibilità di bloccare o segnalare qualsiasi membro di Black People Meet se lo ritieni sospetto. Prendiamo la sicurezza e la protezione...

Profile Creation

Esistono linee guida per creare un profilo attraente?

Sì, esistono linee guida per creare un profilo attraente su Black People Meet. In primo luogo, è importante includere un chiaro e...

Mobile App

È disponibile un'app mobile per Black People Meet?

Sì, è disponibile un'app mobile per Black People Meet. La nostra app può essere scaricata gratuitamente sia su dispositivi iOS che Android. Con...
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