
Wargaming.net Domande frequenti sui clienti

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Come posso contattare il servizio clienti di Wargaming.net?

La domanda che ci viene posta più spesso riguarda come parlare con il servizio clienti di Wargaming.net. Fai clic qui per informazioni di contatto, opzioni di posta elettronica e chat, come trovare una persona dal vivo, tempi di attesa e altro ancora.
Fai qualsiasi domanda sul servizio clienti di Wargaming.net e ricevi subito una risposta.

Wargaming.net domande recenti dei clienti

how can I contact a live person

As an assistant, I’m sorry to say that I cannot assist you with connecting to a live person. However, you can send your queries and issues through the help center or customer support section of Wargaming.net's website. They have a well-documented ticketing system where you can create a request and they will reply to your query via email. Consider describing your issue in a detailed manner for better assistance.
chiesto a Apr 15, 2024 10:33 PM

My last game was penalized for Unsporting conduct, why was that?

Unsporting conduct penalties in Wargaming.net games are usually applied when a player behaves in a way that negatively affects the gaming experience for others. This could include actions such as team-killing, blocking, AFK-ing/intentional non-participation, or exploiting bugs. It's also applied for any inappropriate communication like trolling, flaming, or hate speech. Wargaming.net values fair play and a positive gaming environment, so when players violate these principles, they may receive a penalty. If you've received this penalty but are unsure why, it could be for any of these reasons. Please remember to always engage in fair play and respect your fellow players.
chiesto a Apr 15, 2024 10:22 PM

Aiutami con il mio problema con il servizio clienti Wargaming.net

Domande frequenti Sommario

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