Blue Cross Blue Shield (MI) Customer Service Issues
Archive 1
The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Blue Cross Blue Shield (MI) customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 4 issue(s) reported October 25, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am a healthcare provider and seeking clarification on whether your company will cover an item required post-surgery for the patient to wear home. I have received conflicting information from two representatives and have been continuously redirected to a recording. Despite hearing the information multiple times and having it faxed, the system hangs up if I don't want a repeat. I am in need of speaking with a representative who can provide detailed information on the patient's account and help me proceed in the patient's best interest. The previous representatives have been unhelpful and dismissive when asked for further clarification, providing what seems like scripted responses. I am requesting to be contacted by a manager or supervisor who can offer accurate guidance professionally. The call routing system has been frustrating, consistently leading to the same recording or being transferred to the wrong department. I am encountering difficulties updating my contact information on your site to facilitate a call back.
Reported by GetHuman1411260 on गुरूवार, २५ अक्टूबर २०१८, दोपहर २:०१ बजे
I recently contacted BCBS and spent 1.5 hours on the phone trying to obtain information about a check issued to my provider for services rendered. Unfortunately, they were unable to disclose who the check was for due to Hippa guidelines. I expressed my frustration as I believe this policy is unfair. I offered to provide details like the check#, my NPI number, and the date the check was issued, but the representative still could not assist with the check remittance details or provide a claim number. When I requested to speak to a manager, she placed me on hold. Despite my request for a general manager or complaint department phone number, she couldn't provide further assistance. I was surprised that there was no higher authority to address my concern with. The interaction left me feeling stuck as I cannot provide information I was not given. I politely ended the call, stating I would seek another solution. Thank you for your time.
Reported by GetHuman-knbcar on सोमवार, ७ जनवरी २०१९, रात ९:१६ बजे
I reached out to the Poison Center for support when my child was denied at the Emergency Department after a possibly harmful ingestion. Despite my effort to explain the situation in a letter, my appeal was rejected by BCBS. Instead of a personalized response, I received a standard letter redirecting me to a Provider Inquiry portal I cannot access. I am not a healthcare provider and need to discuss this issue with a representative directly. I'm considering escalating the matter by sharing the letter with the Insurance Commissioner.
Reported by GetHuman2598463 on मंगलवार, २६ मार्च २०१९, शाम ६:०७ बजे
I am struggling to speak with a representative to find out if a prior authorization is needed for a patient to undergo a home sleep study. BCBS of Michigan mandates listening to eligibility and benefits recordings before contacting a representative. Despite listening to these details three times, I have been unable to reach a representative. Please guide me on how to connect with a representative soon, as it is crucial for the patient to move forward with the required test.
Reported by GetHuman4067578 on सोमवार, ९ दिसम्बर २०१९, शाम ६:४८ बजे
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