Come posso recuperare il mio account Epic Games (Fortnite)?

In poche parole:If you're having trouble accessing your Fortnite account, there are steps you can take to recover it. Start by going to the Epic Games Home Page and opening the menu to click on "Support." From there, navigate


You may be concerned if you can't properly access your Fortnite account. Don’t worry. There are steps you can take to try to recover your account and get back to playing.

What You'll Need

Cell phone

Go to the Epic Games Home Page

Visit the home page of Epic Games.

How do I recover my Epic Games (Fortnite) account? (Step 1)

Open the Menu

Find the menu by going to the upper right corner of the website and clicking the three horizontal lines. This will open a menu consisting of two items: "Support" and "Distribute."

How do I recover my Epic Games (Fortnite) account? (Step 2)

Click on "Support"

Click on "Support." Doing so will take you to the player support page.

How do I recover my Epic Games (Fortnite) account? (Step 3)

Click on Accounts

Scroll until you spot the "Accounts" section and click on it. Doing so will bring you to a second "Accounts" section. Click on "Accounts."

How do I recover my Epic Games (Fortnite) account? (Step 4)

Find the "Recover your account" Section

You'll now be in the self-service "Account" section. Locate "Recover your account" and click on it.

How do I recover my Epic Games (Fortnite) account? (Step 5)

Read the Information About Recovering Your Account

You'll now be on the page that says, "How can I recover access to my Epic account." Read the information on this page.

How do I recover my Epic Games (Fortnite) account? (Step 6)

Try the Suggestions

Try the suggestions on the "How can I recover access to my Epic account" page to see if they help with your problem. If not, move onto the next step.

Reach Out to Epic Games Customer Support

If you weren't able to resolve the issue on your own and recover your Fortnite account, consider reaching out to Epic Games customer service to see if they can provide further assistance. Should you decide to message them, make sure you tell them in the initial message what actions you took to recover your account.


As upsetting as the situation is, don't panic if you can't recover your Fortnite account. Try the recommend steps, and if they don't work, you can always contact Epic Games to see if they can help you find a resolution.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
Come posso recuperare il mio account Epic Games (Fortnite)?

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GetHuman lavora da oltre 10 anni alla ricerca di informazioni su grandi organizzazioni come Epic Games al fine di aiutare i clienti a risolvere più rapidamente i problemi del servizio clienti. Abbiamo iniziato con le informazioni di contatto e i modi più veloci per raggiungere un essere umano nelle grandi aziende. In particolare quelli con IVR lenti o complicati o sistemi di menu del telefono. Oppure aziende che dispongono di forum di assistenza self-service anziché di un servizio clienti. Da lì, ci siamo resi conto che i consumatori avevano ancora bisogno di un aiuto più dettagliato per risolvere i problemi più comuni, quindi ci siamo estesi a questo set di guide, che cresce ogni giorno. E se riscontri problemi con la nostra guida Come posso recuperare il mio account Epic Games (Fortnite)?, faccelo sapere inviandoci un feedback. Vogliamo essere il più utile possibile. Se hai apprezzato questa guida, condividila con le tue persone preferite. Le nostre informazioni e strumenti gratuiti sono forniti da te, il cliente. Più persone lo usano, meglio diventa.

Epic Games

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