Come posso contestare un acquisto eBay?

In poche parole:Per risolvere un problema con un acquisto eBay, contatta il venditore; se non risponde, contatta eBay. Puoi restituire gli articoli difettosi per un rimborso e segnalare


Do you have a problem with your eBay purchase? If your item hasn't arrived, contact the seller or eBay (if the seller doesn't respond) for a resolution. You can also return faulty or defective items for a refund and report sellers who don't adhere to the policies, use vulgar language and are abusive. If you're having problems with the items you purchased on eBay, read this article for the step-by-step guide on how to dispute your purchase.

Sign In To Your Account

You'll need access to your eBay purchases by signing in to your account.

Go To Your Purchases

Once you see your purchases, look for the item you want to dispute. If you didn't receive the item, tap More Actions and select "I Didn't Receive It." You will be given two options. Choose how you want to proceed.

Select I'd Still Want the Product, or I'd Like a Refund

Enter the required information before submitting your request.

Tap Send Request

If you ordered a set and received some of the items, eBay allows you to return all of them for a full refund, or the seller may also offer a partial refund if you keep the products.

When you don't hear back from the seller regarding the dispute, ask eBay to step in. Use the next step.

Go Back to Your Purchases

Open the Item and Select Ask eBay to Step In

Choose a Reason and Tap Confirm

eBay Support will review your dispute and resolve it as best they can. They usually get back within 48 hours to provide a resolution. If the resolution is a refund, it will be made using your original payment method. Refunds take 3-5 business days, depending on your bank. Don't worry; most transactions on eBay are typically covered under the Money Back Guarantee, which means you get a full refund for a damaged or faulty product when it doesn't match the listing or when the item you purchased hasn't arrived.


If you're unhappy with eBay's resolution, you can still appeal the outcome of your case. To do this, sign in to your account and go back to Purchases. Go to case details and tap Send us an appeal. To get a more favorable resolution, we recommend sending more details, such as photos or receipts, so eBay can take another look at the case. Are you still having problems disputing a purchase with eBay? Contact Customer Support today.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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