While you may stay on the line to speak with an agent, you can also handle many customer needs by visiting our website. Please tell me the phone number on your account including the area code."
Calling this number for Sirius/XM proved very effective. When I dialed, I was immediately connected with the automated call center and asked for the reason I was calling. I said I was interested in Sirius/XM and wanted information about starting service.
The system said it would connect me with a representative as soon as possible. Alternatively, it said I could visit the company's website and try to get help that way. I opted to continue to hold, and after two minutes, it came back and asked me if I would rather have the Sirius/XM team text me for assistance. If so, I could get assistance on the number I was using or I could continue to hold for the next representative.
I opted to continue to hold, and a minute later, I was connected with a representative who asked how she could assist me. I said I was interested in possibly subscribing to Sirius/XM and wanted to know about the pricing options. She told me I would have three options if I chose to subscribe, starting with the Platinum package.
She said the Platinum package would offer me all 425 channels in the Sirius/XM library, including news, entertainment, sports and Howard Stern's library. She added I wouldn't hear any ads and I would also have access to the podcasts available from Sirius/XM at this tier. If I chose it, I would pay $23.99 per month once my promotional period expired.
At the next tier, Music and Entertainment, I'd get some of the entertainment and news channels, but not all of them, and I would no longer have access to sports or Howard Stern's library. In all, I'd be getting roughly 400 channels and pay $18.99 per month, after my promotional offer of three months for $3 expired.
Finally, she explained I could opt for the Music Showcase option, which costs $13.99 per month after my promotional period. At this level, most of the 100 channels I received would be music only and would contain ads. There might be an occasional talk or entertainment channel, but much of what I'd be paying for was music.
I asked if the Platinum package was the only way to get the sports channels, and she confirmed that it was. I had no other questions, so she thanked me for calling and said when I was ready to make a decision, I could either call back or go on the company's website and get set up that way.
Overall, I though this was a great experience. The representative was friendly and helpful, and she gave me a complete picture of everything Sirius/XM had to offer. I would have felt comfortable making a decision right then if I had been genuinely calling to decide about adding Sirius/XM services. If I needed services in the future, I would definitely use this number.