
Western Union Domande frequenti sui clienti

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Qual è il numero di telefono di Western Union?

La domanda che ci viene posta più spesso riguarda come parlare con il servizio clienti di Western Union. Fai clic qui per informazioni di contatto, opzioni di posta elettronica e chat, come trovare una persona dal vivo, tempi di attesa e altro ancora.

Cosa devo fare se il mio account Western Union è bloccato?

Se il tuo account Western Union viene bloccato, è importante capirne il motivo e adottare misure per riottenere l'accesso. I motivi comuni includono...

Cosa devo fare se il mio account Western Union è bloccato?

Se il tuo account Western Union viene bloccato, è importante capirne il motivo e adottare misure per riottenere l'accesso. I motivi comuni includono...
Fai qualsiasi domanda sul servizio clienti di Western Union e ricevi subito una risposta.

Western Union domande recenti dei clienti

Why was my ID blocked from Wastarn. I could not receive my transfer

We're sorry to hear that you're having issues receiving your transfer. There could be multiple reasons why your ID was blocked by Western Union, such as issues with your ID verification failure, suspected fraudulent activity, or a breach of Western Union's terms and conditions. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a detailed reason due to privacy and security concerns. We recommend that you get in touch with Western Union's customer service directly for a more detailed explanation and a possible resolution. There is a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page that you are viewing.
chiesto a Jun 11, 2024 6:28 AM

How do I pick up cash from Western Union

To pick up cash from Western Union, you will need to follow a few steps: 1. Visit a Western Union agent location: You can find these locations on the Western Union website or App. 2. Provide the necessary information: You will need to give the agent the tracking number (MTCN), your government-issued ID, and the sender's full name. 3. Sign the receipt: After verifying the information, the agent will give you a receipt. Sign this receipt and receive your cash. Please also note that all information provided should match the details provided by the sender to ensure a smooth transaction. Different countries may have additional requirements.
chiesto a Jun 4, 2024 4:35 PM

What information is needed to send money to Italy

To send money to Italy through Western Union, you'll need the recipient's full name as it appears on their government-issued ID, their address, and their bank account information if you're sending money directly to their bank account. Be aware, the specific information required could vary based on the service used - for instance, sending money for cash pickup or direct to bank account. You might also need to provide your own identification and the purpose of the transfer. Do make sure you check the specific requirements when setting up the transfer.
chiesto a May 27, 2024 7:03 PM

Where can I cash a Western Union money order refund check without identification

We're sorry, but it's crucial to note that for security reasons, financial institutions typically require a form of identification to cash checks, including those issued by Western Union. This not only protects the institution, but it also protects you by preventing anyone else from cashing your check. It is recommended to have a government-issued ID for such transactions. In exceptional cases, some institutions might allow you to cash a check without an ID but they would still need proof that you are the person the check is made out to, which could be nuanced and potentially more complicated than providing an ID. We highly recommend having an identification for the process.
chiesto a May 21, 2024 5:38 PM

How can I release my blocked transfer?

If your transfer has been blocked, it may be due to a number of security reasons. Western Union might have questions about the transaction, need more information from you for verification, or it could be related to their efforts to prevent fraud. To release the blocked transfer, you'll need to get in touch with Western Union directly. Note that there's a link to the most up-to-date contact information right here on this page where you can call or email them. Have your transaction details ready to provide to their customer service. They'll guide you through any necessary steps to resolve the issue.
chiesto a May 3, 2024 5:18 PM

Aiutami con il mio problema con il servizio clienti Western Union


Come posso ottenere un rimborso da Western Union?

Dovrai trovare la ricevuta se desideri un rimborso da Western Union. Successivamente compila il modulo e invialo insieme alla ricevuta...

Scam Reporting

Come faccio a segnalare una truffa a Western Union?

Western Union dispone di un sistema per segnalare truffe e frodi. Se pensi di aver trovato una truffa, segnalala attraverso il sito dell'azienda oppure...


Come posso ottenere un preventivo su un trasferimento di denaro con Western Union?

È utile conoscere i costi per inviare denaro con Western Union. Il costo per l'invio di denaro varia a seconda del Paese di destinazione...

Transaction Confirmation

Come posso confermare una transazione con Western Union?

L'unico modo per confermare una transazione con Western Union è ricontrollare i dettagli del destinatario prima di completare la transazione....

Payment Issues

Cosa devo fare se ho problemi a ricevere un pagamento da Western Union?

Western Union è un'azienda rispettabile con una storia di affidabilità. Tuttavia, occasionalmente si verificano problemi con i pagamenti che possono...

Account Blocks

Cosa devo fare se il mio account Western Union è bloccato?

Se il tuo account Western Union viene bloccato, è importante capirne il motivo e adottare misure per riottenere l'accesso. I motivi comuni includono...
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